I needed to use Payer as the payment service provider for a client project, a django site with a shop built on django SHOP. Django SHOP is quite extensible and there are already payment backends available for the most popular payment service providers such as PayPal or Stripe. However, there were none for Payer, and my client insisted in sticking with Payer which had been used previously.

Sadly, Payer does not provide a Python module for interacting with its API, so you're left with C#, Java, PHP or ASP. All the more fun! By looking through the Java and PHP source, and the somewhat scarce documentation I managed to piece together python-payer-api, a Python module for interacting with the API.

As the payment process has a few steps that requires responding to a HTTP request sent from the Payment API, the Python Payer API module was intentionally left somewhat "stupid", mainly performing data validation, XML serialization and order callback validation. The actual payment initiation and request handling is left to whatever technology or framework you might be using.


bash pip install django-shop-payer-backend

Add to installed apps

python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'polymorphic', 'shop' 'shop.addressmodel', 'django_shop_payer_backend', ... ]

Configure one ore more payment backends

python SHOP_PAYMENT_BACKENDS = [ 'django_shop_payer_backend.backends.PayerCreditCardPaymentBackend', 'django_shop_payer_backend.backends.PayerBankPaymentBackend', 'django_shop_payer_backend.backends.PayerInvoicePaymentBackend', 'django_shop_payer_backend.backends.PayerPhonePaymentBackend', ]

You could also use the GenericPayerBackend in order to let the user choose payment method after being redirected to Payer, or define a subclass of your own, listing a custom set of methods in the payment_methods property. This might be a good option if you are using the Payer backend along with other backends such as Paypal etc.


Add your keys to settings.py

python SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_AGENT_ID = "AGENT_ID" SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_ID1 = "6866ef97a972ba3a2c6ff8bb2812981054770162" SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_ID2 = "1388ac756f07b0dda2961436ba8596c7b7995e94"

The following settings are optional


Used for white/blacklisting callback IPs


Used for suppliying an address model

SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_ADDRESS_HANDLER = 'project.app.path.to.address_model_callback'

SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_HIDE_DETAILS = False # Hide order details during payment SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_DEBUG_MODE = 'verbose' # 'silent', 'brief' SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_TEST_MODE = True ```


Due to the fact that django SHOP by default does not store any relation between the Order model and the AddressModel model there is no good way for payment backends to determine the shipping/billing address for a given order. For some backends this might not be an issue, but in this case Payer expects to address data in the order details.

django-shop-payer-backend tries to tackle by determining the order (billing) address using the following strategy:

  1. Try to fetch AddressModel from current user (if user.is_authenticated()).
  2. Try to load an AddressModel using a callback supplied in the SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_ADDRESS_HANDLER setting.
  3. Try to extract address details from order.billing_address_text by reverse parsing the address template used by django SHOP.
  4. Let you override/complete the data returned using the above methods using the populate_buyer_details_dict signal.

This has two implications:

  1. For non-authenticated users it is simply not possible get an AddressModel object using the default setup. In this case a reverse parsing of the address template string django SHOP uses to store the textual address representation on the Order object. Due to the somewhat fragile nature of this parsing method, you should take extreme precautions when modifying the SHOP_ADDRESS_TEMPLATE setting. For the parser to function it is recommended that you use some form identifying "key" to identify each keyword (as with "Name:"" etc. in the default pattern). Patterns such as %(name)s, %(address)s,[...] will likely fail as there is nothing differentiating the name and address keywords in the string format, and alas the regexp will not be able to identify the keywords correctly.
  2. Fields supported by the Payer API that do not have an obvious counterpart on the AddressModel model (e.g. email, phone, organisation, etc.) will unsurprisingly not be included in the PayerBuyerDetails data using the default settings. To make sure they are included, use the methods described in the Extensibility section below.

The way to tackle both of the issues outlined above, is probably to add a foreign key to AddressModel on Order and store the object used when setting order.billing_address_text. That way you could add a address model callback handler (described below), which will let you return that (or any other) object to the backend.


Let's say you have a custom address model based on shop.addressmodel.models.Address which adds the field company. Naturally you would want this data sent to Payer as well, in order to have it appear on invoices etc. To accomplish that, add a receiver for the populate_buyer_details_dict signal and update the buyer details dict like so:

```python from django_shop_payer_backend.helper import populate_buyer_details_dict from django.dispatch import receiver

@receiver(populate_buyer_details_dict) def add_additional_buyer_details(sender, **kwargs):

buyer_details_dict = kwargs.get('buyer_details_dict', None)
user = kwargs.get('user', None)
address = kwargs.get('address', None)
order = kwargs.get('order', None)

    'organisation': address.company,


There is a similar signal, populate_order_item_dict, for order items, allowing you to modify the data that before the PayerOrderItem object is initialized. This can be useful for example if your Product model has a field holding VAT percentages, in which case you could inject that value using this method.

Another option for supplying an address to the backend is to implement and address callback handler, and return an AddressModel object. This is a good option if you are using a custom Order model that has foreign keys to the AddressModel. In that case, you can implement a callback something along the lines of the following:

```python def address_model_callback(args, *kwargs):

address = kwargs.get('address', None)
order = kwargs.get('order', None)

if address is None and order is not None:
        address = order.billing_address
    except Exception:

return address


And add the following to settings.py:

python SHOP_PAYER_BACKEND_ADDRESS_HANDLER = 'project.app.path.to.address_model_callback'